Friday, January 25, 2019

Exhaling the lines

I had a visitor at my atelier the other day. He asked "What it means to meditate by drawing?" The answer to that question is not a complicated one.

When I inhale, I focus and prepare myself to be ready to draw the next line or a mark on the paper. It means that I estimate the situation of my unfinished drawing and decide what's the next step. And then I just exhale and execute that line slowly and try to relax and put all my focus to the task of drawing that simple line.

It's so easy and simple way to draw. Lines emerge alongside each other and the drawing slowly expands to it's full. The concept of expandism manifest this way of drawing very nicely. The idea of expansion is in the very nature of this, even sometimes I feel that this is not artmaking at all but something else, like stress relieving and escapism. And the possible work of art is a kind of side product of this respiration.

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